Jeanne Joesten

Jeanne was one of “those” English majors who spent 10 years after college working at jobs that were just jobs. But when she moved to Ann Arbor in 1985, she found her niche, career, and many of her best friends working at the first Borders Book Shop for 16 1/2 years, and then for 9 years working at the Borders Corporate Offices where she remained until the bitter end. In 2013 Jeanne was hired as one of the original employees at Ann Arbor’s Literati Bookstore, where she wore many hats. After delaying her retirement several times, she finally took the plunge in July of 2023, in large part to tackle the many unread books she has accumulated in her library after 25 years working in bookstores. Jeanne reads mostly fiction (both classics and contemporary), with a smattering of poetry, biographies, memoirs, political science, and history thrown in when the spirit moves her.